Selasa, 31 Oktober 2017

Playkey Game Berbasis Cloud

Playkey Game Berbasis Cloud

Hai sahabat Blogger selamat pagi. Hari ini saya akan sedikit berbagi info bagi para Gamer. info itu ada Playkey Sebuah Game berbasis Cloud.

Revolusi Game Menuju CLoud

Saat ini di  berbagai industri hampir semua sudah berbasis Cloud, seperti industri musik, video dan layanan lainnya, begitupun dengan dunia gamer tidak lama lagi akan berbasis cloud. Permintaan teknologi Cloud untuk game pun tidak terelakkan, penyebabnya adalah sebagian PC yang di gunakan oleh para gamer adalah PC yang menggunakan teknologi lama sehinga tidak bisa memainkan game yang memiliki resolusi tinggi, menurut survey yang di peroleh 70 persen gamer tidak dapat memainkan game game kesukaan mereka karena terkendala hal di atas. untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai survey di atas silahkan kunjungi situs 

Playkey dalam pemanfaatan teknologi Cloud

1. Memungkinkan semua gamer untuk memainkan game yang mereka inginkan, pada perangkat apa pun yang terhubung ke internet, menggunakan model awan terdesentralisasi, dengan memanfaatkan teknologi, produk, dan bisnis Playkey yang ada. disini dapat di ambil kesimpulan apapun perangkatnya dan se usang apapun spesifikasi dari hardware yang di gunakan selama si gamer terkoneksi internet maka dia akan tetap memainkan game yang di inginkannya.
2. Membuat platform dan pasar terbesar di dunia untuk semua penyedia perangkat keras, gamer, dan para peserta di industri cloud gaming yang sedang berkembang.
3. Menyediakan ekosistem terdesentralisasi dengan platelet inti untuk para miner dan gamer, berdasarkan teknologi blockchain, yang menyediakan pemilik GPU swasta / profesional dengan cara baru untuk mendapatkan uang. Cara yang lebih efisien, lebih stabil, dan kurang berisiko dibandingkan dengan pertambangan kripto, sekaligus memberi gamers cara yang bisa diandalkan untuk bermain game AAA, tanpa menggunakan perangkat keras generasi terbaru. Itulah 3 hal yang menjadi tujuan dari Playkey. di bawah ini adalah gambaran dari pemanfaatan teknologi cloud oleh Playkey 

The Playkey Cryptocurrency  (The PKT Token)


Tujuan dan deskripsi token Playkey

Playkey memperkenalkan token kriptografi open source PKT. PKT adalah kripto yang akan digunakan untuk membeli dan menjual langganan game cloud serta layanan Playkey lainnya. Ini akan menjadi unit akun untuk semua transaksi ekonomi dalam Ekosistem Playkey, dan akan digunakan sebagai dasar interaksi dengan layanan digital lainnya. PKT adalah non-inflasi jangka panjang. unit-unit PKT adalah dapat dipindah tangankan, sehingga diharapkan dalam melakukan perdagangan pertukaran kripto. PKT akan diimplementasikan di blokade ethereum publik sesuai dengan ERC20 (Ethereum Token Standard). Setiap token yang diimplementasikan sesuai dengan standar ERC-20 kompatibel dengan infrastruktur ekosistem Ethereum yang ada, yang memungkinkan penerapan cepat dan mudah.

Peluang Penggunaan Token PKT

1. penggunaan jangka pendek
Untuk jangka pendek, PKT akan digunakan untuk transaksi antara penambang dan gamer, dan pembelian perangkat lunak game. Untuk tahap pertama, Playkey akan mengintegrasikan wallet PKT ke semua akun Playkey dan akan mentransfer semua transaksi ke PKT sehingga di harapkan Diharapkan token PKT akan dibeli oleh para gamer di bursa kriptocurrency, atau di situs resmi
2. jangka menengah
Dalam jangka menengah, Playkey akan mendesentralisasi infrastruktur. Server yang dibeli oleh Dana Pembangunan setelah ICO akan dilelang terbuka, dan setiap pemegang PKT akan memiliki kesempatan untuk membeli kapasitas komputasi yang akan menghasilkan pendapatan bagi pemiliknya. Selain itu, setiap penambang akan dapat membuat kontrak cerdas mereka sendiri untuk menarik uang dari pemegang PKT dan memberi kesempatan kepada gamer / masyarakat untuk mendanai penambang profesional lokal regional mereka sehingga dapat meminimalkan latensi dan memaksimalkan kualitas layanan streaming. 
3. jangka panjang
Dalam jangka panjang,  Playkey akan memperluas ekosistem untuk memperluas pemasaran, pengembangan game dan penerbitan, mata uang dalam game, e-sport dan live stream, aplikasi dan pembuatan konten. Tujuan utama dari Playk ekosistem adalah untuk memberikan keuntungan dan keuntungan bagi semua peserta, yang akan mendorong pertumbuhan jumlah penyedia layanan dan pengguna platform.

About the Author
BTT account name :ardi65

Minggu, 29 Oktober 2017


What is Tokenlab? 

Tokenlab is an integrated system to create Tokens and assets on the Blockchain. It includes the ability to start ICOs with smart contracts designed with time-locked distributions built in to protect investors from funds being dumped on the market. Tokenlab is also the first ICO of Tokenlab utilizing the LAB token that will be tradable and pay out a percentage of all new Tokens created by Tokenlab. For example, when Expanse creates the Votelock™ ICO on Tokenlab in the future, any holders of LAB would receive a percentage of Votelock tokens later. When anyone else creates an ICO using Tokenlab, token creators will have the option to airdrop their new token all LAB owners.

Story Exspance, Tech

Expanse.Tech™ was created as the first stable fork of Ethereum by one of the earliest blockchain developers and cryptocurrency entrepreneurs out there, Christopher Franko. Co-founder James Clayton is also the founder of the Cryptocurrency Collectors Club, (CCC), which is the largest and most popular Cryptocurrency group on Facebook. Dan Conway, another blockchain expert with extensive experience, soon joined the team as the third founder, bringing a great deal of talent, balance, and expertise to the project.
Expanse was built as a community-based project without an ICO, (Initial Coin Offering), and is blockchain agnostic. The idea is to use cutting-edge blockchain technology to build anything the community and team can imagine—using a Decentralized Autonomous Organization, (DAO), with a self-funded design to keep it truly decentralized. This way, the Expanse community can evolve and grow while rewarding holders, partners, and investors.
The Expanse platform now has a two-year history of consistent growth and stability. Starting out small, but with big ideas, the team is growing and other projects are now coming on board to help make the dream a reality—limited only by the imagination and talent of all the diverse people around the world involved in the journey. Each new community member and partner brings new ideas and visions for the future. Expanse.Tech plans to be one of the top blockchain projects in the world. Won’t you join us on this adventure? Start learning more about Expanse today!

Introducing Tokenlab
Tokenlab is a Complete ICO Creation and Management Platform Built by Industry-Leading Blockchain



The sale will end on 31st October, at 12:00 PM.


-  September 2017, Exclusive Sale 

* Supported coins: EXP
* Detailed roadmap with master detail section
* Info graphics explaining tokenlab
* Videos and other suporting media
* Token Cap: 12.5m USD

-  Oct 2017, Presale

* Supported coins: EXP
Supported coins for Phase 2: EXP, ETH, BTC and LTC
Introducing login and basic account
management in Phase 2* Experimental use of the Affiliate Contract
* Token Cap: 12.5m USD

-  Nov2017,Token Sale

* Launch beta product with LAB Token Sale* Launch ICO’s for selected partners
Additional supported coins: EXP, BTC, LTC, ETH, PivX, Ste
Improved dashboard and partner
* Integration
* Distribute LAB Token
Launch LAB on exchanges
* Integrate With Gander
* Token Cap: 50 m 

Dec 2017, Limited Release

* Improved login with social media
Open Tokenlab to run 10 ICO’s
Accept contributions in Steemit and PivX
Crowdsourced underwriting

Jan 2018, Public Release

* Under Writing Workflow
* Improvement
* Increased Vetting
* Performance metrics and charting around
* ICO performance

Q2 2018, ICO Exchange

* Exchange integration with tokenlab
* Supported markets: EXP, ETH and BTC
* Basic order book analysis
* Basic charting and TA tools

 Team Tokenlab

Ahmad Siddiqi

James Clayton
Community Manager
Expanse Co-founder
Christopher J. Franko
Borderless Corp. Inc.
CEO, Expanse Co-founder
Lead Developer

Marcia Danzeisen
Chief Administrative Officer


want to know more about tokenlab visit Links:
 Main Thread:

Sabtu, 28 Oktober 2017

Oracle Network

Overview Oracle Network
Oracles Network is an open, public, permissioned blockchain based on Ethereum protocol. To reach consensus on a global state, it uses a Proof of Authority consensus algorithm. PoA consensus is a straightforward and efficient form of Proof of Stake with known validators and governance-based penalty system. A list of validators is managed by a smart contract with governance by validators. During an initial ceremony, master of ceremony distributes keys to 12 independent validators. They add 12 plus one more to reach initial requirements for the consensus. To be validators on the network, a master of ceremony asks them to have an active notary public license within the United States. A concerned third party can cross-validate validators’ identities using open data sources and ensure that each validator is a good actor with no criminal records. In the proposed network, identity of individual validator and trust to independent and non-affiliated participants will secure the consensus.
The network is fully compatible with Ethereum protocol. The network supports only Parity client version 1.7 and later. The network supports trusted setup, on-chain governance, and a variety of “proof of identity” oracles. We believe that Oracles Network will close a gap between private and public networks, and will become a model for open networks based on PoA consensus.

* About Oracle Network


Independent U.S. public notaries with active commission license will be the first validators in Oracles Network. For the initial ceremony, 12 initial keys will be created by a master of ceremony. He will distribute those keys to individual validators. Each validator will change a key to a new subset of keys using a client-side DApp. After the initial distribution of licenses, an additional validator can be added through the voting process on the built-in Governance DApp. A majority of votes will be needed from validators to be accepted into the smart contract with a list of validators. to better understand the validation process on oracle network please see the video below.


Crowdsale will take place before the launch of the main network.
Purchased coins will be included in the genesis block and will create initial liquidity for the network.
Validators will start to create blocks and generate a reward for the network security. For each generated block, a validator who created it will get one coin and all fees for transactions. Each validator has equal rights to create a block.
The network will start with 12 validators. With 12 validators active, each validator will create one block every 12 blocks. For each block one coin will be created as a reward for validators and one coin for self sustaining of the network.
A block will be generated with an average time of 5 seconds. During the first year of the network, validators will create 31,536,000 sec/5 sec per block = 6,307,200 blocks.

Use Cases

Inexpensive Network

Oracles Network provides inexpensive consensus to secure the network. Users can run Ethereum programs on Oracles Network and spend less money on transaction fees. Overall cost of the network’s security will also be cheaper due to lower market cap. 


Though the issuance of ETH is in a fixed amount each year, the rate of growth of the monetary base (monetary inflation) is not constant. This monetary inflation rate decreases every year, making ETH a disinflationary currency (in terms of monetary base). Disinflation is a special case of inflation in which the amount of inflation shrinks over time.[6]
In 2017 the issuance rate of Ether is 14.75%.[7] Roughly five Ethers per block are issued. Because Ethereum rewards Uncles it means that there may be more or less than five Ethers.[7:1]
By 9/7/2017 miners generated 21,335,541.72 ETH as Mining Block Reward and 1,181,201.88 Mining Uncle Reward. For securing the network, they received a total of 22,516,743.6 ETH. Using the 9/7/2017 price of $303.86, security of the network costs 22516743.6 ETH * $303.86 = $6,841,937,710.296.
There are 56,048,767 transactions on the network. Security of a transaction in the main Ethereum network costs are about $122.07 at the current rate.


In Oracles Network the issuance rate is 3.5% with future disinflation. There is no Mining Uncle Reward in the network, because consensus is not based on Proof of Work.

Validators with known identity

Each validator of the network will prove his/her identity using “proof of identity” DApps. Each block will be attributed with the identity of a validator. If a miner breaks the rules of the open network, e.g. will not accept a transaction to a specific address, participants of the network will have legal instruments to resolve that problem.

Fast network

Validators in Oracles Network create blocks every five seconds. This rate is tested on Kovan testnet and usable in the long-term. A faster network allows for building new types of applications where response rate from the distributed consensus is important.

Legally recognizable hard forks

Hard fork is a change of the software. After applying this software, old clients will not be able to work on the new network.
All validators on the network are residents of the U.S. Therefore, they are all located in the same legal system. Hard fork decisions will be signed as legal documents and will be recognizable in a court system. This will bring protections to participants of the network and will open new possibilities to decide how to deal with ongoing changes.

Model for experiments

The network is built to iterate fast. In the future many open and independent networks based on Ethereum protocol will operate and have interface for interoperability.

Security Risks

Key compromise

During the initial ceremony, validators will be required to replace their initial keys with a set of three keys. Mining keys are located on a mining node. If a node is compromised, validators will create a ballot using Governance DApp and propose replacement of the mining key. If a voting key is compromised, a validator will ask another validator to create a ballot to replace his/her voting key. If a payout key is compromised, a validator will create a ballot to replace his/her payout key. Because payout is not required, a validator can specify a new payout key on a mining node without proposing ballots.

Censoring signer

Censoring signing is an attack vector in which a signer or a group of signers attempts to censor out blocks that vote on removing them from the validators list. To work around this, we restrict the allowed minting frequency of signers to 1 out of N. This ensures that malicious signers need to control at least 51% of signing accounts, at which case it’s game over anyway.

Regulatory risks

All validators are required to have an active notary commission. Doing block validation under the name of a notary public may be considered as false advertising and a regulator may revoke the notary commission from the validator. The network will mitigate the risk by providing additional identity checks for a validator. Eventually, those unbiased checks will replace the need for a validator to have an active notary commission.

Collusion of validators

Validators may become an affiliated group even though we require them to be independent. Before distribution of initial keys, the master of ceremony will require validators to sign a non-affiliation agreement between them and the network. All validators are in the same jurisdiction, where the general public may enforce that agreement.


We provide a deployment script for cloud installation of mining, boot, and general purpose nodes.
For a validator, setting up a node is a one-button solution. For a mining node, a validator will provide
  • Mining Address. The address of the mining key received at the initial ceremony.
  • Mining Keyfile. File with the private key of the mining key.
  • Mining Keypass. The password to unlock the private key of the mining key.
  • Admin Username. Username of admin user of the virtual machine, e.g. root.
  • Admin SSH public key. Content of admin’s SSH public key. We do not allow use of passwords for the VMs.
  • Netstats Server. Network statistics, e.g. number of Active Nodes, Last Block, Avg Block Time, Best Block, Gas Spending, Gas Limit, List of validators with parameters.
  • Netstats Secret. Password to the netstat server.

want to know more about tokenlab visit Links:







Nous Platform


A Global Platform for Investorsand Decentralized Investment Funds 


Halo selamat pagi para blogger dan sahabat sahabat free simple sharing semua. Hari ini saya akan share sedikit informasi mengenai salah satu Ico yang mengadakan bounty di Baik kita Mulai lihat saja info Nousflatform segera. Untuk bisa mengetahui segala kelebihan Nous bisa dibaca artikel di bawah ini atau bisa juga ke :

Features and Benefits of Nousplatform

1. Easy fund management
2. Increased fund’s liquidity
3. Blockchain-confirmed snapshots
4. Nous investors community
5. Reports 100% based on cold facts, free of human error and manipulation
6/ Liquid fund assets
7. Diversified portfolios
8. Transparent payout distribution

Advantages for the investors

  • Invest in the best performing funds based on Nousplatform
  • Limit your risks, by choosing top funds with different portfolios
  • Use blockchain-confirmed reports to analyze investment funds’ performance
  • Trade ETFs on decentralized nous exchange

Transparency for the Investors

  • Reduction of the operating expenses
  • Elimination intermediaries
  • Risk diversification
  • Reduction of the fees
  • Increase in safety and security of the transactions
  • Reduction in deposit and withdrawal timeframe
  • Research based on honest, transparent data
  • Rating list of the best performing funds

The next generation of investment funds

The protocol creates smart contract for the tokenized fund, which sets the rules of conduct and terms and conditions for the fund managers and investors.
The protocol aggregates permissions for nous smart contract to execute escrow methods that are part of the investment fund’s smart contract, such as snapshots of portfolio balances, kyc, proof of ownership, issuance of ETF tokens, etc.
The protocol can add third party escrow services to the smart contract in order to expand its functionality.


$69 TN market opportunity

According to the Boston Consulting Group, global assets managed by (AuM) traditional managers in 2016 grew by 7%, to 69.1 trillion. dollars.
NOUS token serves as a primary asset to redeem or sell equity assets of any fund built on Nousplatform. Fund managers will use nous tokens to buy tokenized assets for their portfolios. Open-ended funds will keep reserve of NOUS tokens to ensure the liquidity of their portfolios.
As an example of nous token usage, let’s assume, that BlackRock, Inc, the world’s largest asset manager with $5.4 trillion in assets will choose Nousplatform to build a tokenized fund on the blockchain. In that case, they will buy NOUS tokens to issue fund shares to their investors. Another great example is the issuance of close-ended fund tokens (ETF) to investors through ICO.

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