When you are a normal working person, it is almost impossible to get your dream car or a sport car. Don’t even think about it to make money with a car. if you think of such a thing then crowdfire the solution. CrowDrive main location will be in Switzerland. The Swiss vehicle market with almost 350,000 vehicles sold per year, is perfectly suitable for CrowDrive projects. In addition, in Switzerland are sold a lot of luxury and sport cars. BMW and Mercedes-Benz are after VW the bestselling car brands. In the year 2014 and 2015 were sold 103 pieces from the top models from Ferrari, Porsche and McLaren. Including 46 LaFerrari, 40 Porsche 918 and 17 McLaren P1. The location of CrowDrive garage and sport cars rental will be somewhere around Zurich. The vehicle market is a very competitive market worth billions. In Switzerland the car industry makes a turnover of almost 90 billion USD per year. If you want to establish yourself in the market, it is important that you offer an innovative solutions and an extremely good customer experience. In Switzerland, a new market has developed in recent years. Sport cars and luxury class vehicles are more popular than ever and still only a dream for a lot of people. To make peoples dreams come true, there are various sport car rentals, in which you can rent your dream car for a few hours up to several days or even weeks.
Crowdrive are dealing with the subject of crypto currency and blockchain for a long time. CrowDrive are convinced that this technology can and will change the world. That's why we want to use this future-oriented technology in CrowDrive future-oriented project. The block chain technology allows us to set up our project in a transparent and reliable way. The revenue from the token sale will be invested in different vehicles and a private car garage. For all token holders it is possible to participate to the vehicles. The vehicles will be sold, rented or leased to our customers. We will make a profit, which we split to all shareholders of the vehicles. All data and changes to the vehicles will be stored in the blockchain. It is possible to sell your vehicle shares to other token holder through our marketplace. This creates an active trade and the token has a real purpose.
How CrowDrive Works
CrowdDrive will offer the available vehicles partly or wholly for participation. With the participation, you have the right to a share of the profits. The vehicles are presented with all the necessary information on our website and in the mobile application. If a car in which you are involved, is resold or a profit is generated from the rental or leasing. This profit is shared among all partners and will be paid out in ETH, BTC or a conventional currency. If a vehicle is sold, each partner gets a list how the sales price is composed and how much profit we generated on the sale. The purchased vehicle shares can be traded via our marketplace. The only payment option for our market place and in order to buy vehicle shares is the Car Token. For Token holder, it is possible at any time to visit us in Switzerland and have a look at CrowDrive vehicles.
Purchase of vehicle shares
Vehicle shares can be bought and sold via CrowDrive market place.
It is important to distinguish between two categories. There are offers from Crowddrive of newly available vehicles and there are offers of already purchased shares from token holder who want to sell their shares.
The purchase of shares is very easy through CrowDrive website and from the third quarter of 2018 via our app with just a few clicks. The offers are described in detail and all important information can be found in the offer. Crowddrive will give a non-binding price estimate for the sale price and thus a percentage gain estimate.
The payment method for our marketplace is the Car Token. We are try our best that there will always be a wide range of vehicles on our market place and always new and promising cars are available. It will not always be 100% of a vehicle available for participation. This depends on the age, vehicle type, value of the vehicle and other factors. That’s how it is possible for CrowdDrive to compensate for potential losses.
It is important to distinguish between two categories. There are offers from Crowddrive of newly available vehicles and there are offers of already purchased shares from token holder who want to sell their shares.
The purchase of shares is very easy through CrowDrive website and from the third quarter of 2018 via our app with just a few clicks. The offers are described in detail and all important information can be found in the offer. Crowddrive will give a non-binding price estimate for the sale price and thus a percentage gain estimate.
The payment method for our marketplace is the Car Token. We are try our best that there will always be a wide range of vehicles on our market place and always new and promising cars are available. It will not always be 100% of a vehicle available for participation. This depends on the age, vehicle type, value of the vehicle and other factors. That’s how it is possible for CrowdDrive to compensate for potential losses.
Vehicle shares
After you have decided for a vehicle and bought the desired shares, you don't have to worry about anything anymore. We will use the vehicle for the specific purpose. Say as a rental car, for resale or as a leasing vehicle. We do the complete handling of all the work and have a look to the fact that the vehicles are marketed optimally. The resulting gains are paid once a month to the owners of the vehicle shares. Depending on the customer's request in BTC, ETH or a conventional currency. In addition, co-owner of rental vehicles, will get a monthly summary with the most important data such as rental period, mileage, achieved sales, costs of the maintenance, as well as personnel costs created by the rental and the resulting profit. Co-owner of vehicles, which will be sold or leased, will also receive a summary with the most important data after we made a successful sale. We will determine the value of the rental cars every 2 months and update it on the platform. So you'll always have the overview how much value the purchased shares have and how much profit you have earned. It is not a problem to sell your shares at any time. The vehicle shares can easily be resold via the market place to other interested parties. You can offer your shares on the market place and negotiate the price with potential buyers.
CrowDrive Team

Tobias Schneider Co-Founder
Since I'm 16 years old, I am dealing with cars. I’m still a big fan of fast and sporty cars. It was and is a big dream, to own a sport car one day. Unfortunately, this dream hasn’t come true yet. I have rented different sport cars several times and it was a great experience that has influenced me. That’s why we came up with this project. I think there are a lot people in the world with the same dream and with this project we want to enable at least that you can own a part of your dream car and in the best case, it is even possible for some co-owner to buy the dream car by the profits you earn. Computers also delight me and I’m now dealing more than a year with the subject of block chain and crypto currencies. I think that is the future, and therefore our idea is based on this technology.

Adrian Wingeier Co-Founder
I was always fascinated about sport cars and of course I wanted to own one since I had my driving license. Unfortunately this dream has not been coming true yet. As a normal working person it is almost impossible to afford an expensive sport car. Everyone who is familiar with finance knows that you have to spend money for making money. But this is hard without any money to invest. And that is exactly how we came up with this interesting idea, which allows everyone to participate in his favorite sport car and still earn money through our clever business.
Pre Token Sale
I get this information directly from the website :
In the Pre Token Sale everybody can take part that wants to introduce more than 50 ETH in the Token Sale. During the Pre Sale, a maximum of 20% of the token is distributed to the participants.
Name of the Token : Car Token
Symbol : CAR
Maximum Amount : 19.000.000 CAR
Offered in The Pre Sale : 3.800.000 CAR
Acceptep currencies : ETH
Excange rate : 1ETH = 500 CAR
Smallest acceptep amount : 50 ETH
Pre Sale period : 30.10.2017 - 10.12.2017
Token Sale
During the Token sale, a maximum of 50% of the token is distributed to the participants. The Smart contract only creates as many CAR as necessary.
Name of the Token : Car Token
Symbol : CAR
Maximum amount : 19'000'000 CAR
Offered in the Token Sale : 9'500'000 CAR
Inflation rate : No new tokens will be generated ever
Accepted currencies : ETH
Exchange rate : 1 ETH = 460 CAR
Token Sale period Tier 1 :10.12.2017 13:00 UTC – 10.01.2018 13:00 UTC
Smallest accepted amount : 0.1 ETH
Minimum Token Sale target : 1'500 ETH
Symbol : CAR
Maximum amount : 19'000'000 CAR
Offered in the Token Sale : 9'500'000 CAR
Inflation rate : No new tokens will be generated ever
Accepted currencies : ETH
Exchange rate : 1 ETH = 460 CAR
Token Sale period Tier 1 :10.12.2017 13:00 UTC – 10.01.2018 13:00 UTC
Smallest accepted amount : 0.1 ETH
Minimum Token Sale target : 1'500 ETH
that's a bit of info about Crowsale for those of you who are interested you can directly visit the website :
or White Paper :
About Author
Account Bitcointalk : andi650
Account Bitcointalk : andi650
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